To me, happiness is an “emotion” just like despair, sorrow, anger etc. I guess its because as I grew up in college, I belonged to an outcast organization with the acronym “gdi’s”. Gosh darn independents. So you can imagine what kind of shenanigan’s we go into. Another story for another time.
And yes, we are fickle humans for sure. Your point about nothing on earth cannot keep us continually happy except the relationship with God is well taken.
Brother Byron,
To me, happiness is an “emotion” just like despair, sorrow, anger etc. I guess its because as I grew up in college, I belonged to an outcast organization with the acronym “gdi’s”. Gosh darn independents. So you can imagine what kind of shenanigan’s we go into. Another story for another time.
And yes, we are fickle humans for sure. Your point about nothing on earth cannot keep us continually happy except the relationship with God is well taken.